SeImpersonatePrivilege to Authority\system
To escalate privilege from our iis (or mssql) user with SeImpersonatePrivilege to Authority\system we can use one of the “potatoes” technic.
A wonderfull blog post explain the different potatoes here :
So let’s use SweetPotato, a compilation of all the technics, “the potatoe to rule them all”.
Ok so we clone the project and compile it with visualStudio
Prepare a bat file to run ou powershell basic reverse shell on execution
With PrintSpoofer
Check if we have SeImpersonatePrivilege enabled
Download PrintSpoofer
Upload PrintSpoofer
Got Priv?
With Metasploitttt
Now we’ll run load incognito. This tool is used to escalate privileges inside Active Directory environments. With incognito, we are able to impersonate authenticated tokens on the target windows machine.
The tokens can be listed with the command list_tokens -u (for users) and list_tokens -g ( for groups). But the commands wont list any impersonation token because we havent yet tricked the Administration to authenticate.
Let’s generate tokens
The exploit of the scenerio can be achieved with an exe, rottenpotato.exe that does the actual working of tricking the Administrator via NTLM. The file can be downloaded from here. Now we have to upload the exe to the meterpreter shell. It can be easily done via upload command. Then execute the exe with
Once the exe gets executed, we can again list the tokens, if generated in the process.
Volla! We have got impersonation tokens now. And to our interest, BUILTIN\Administrators has a Impersonation token available. So let’s impersonate it.
With impersonate_token module, the account of any user can be mimed
After impersonation, we get the shell as nt authority\system.
That’s all for this blog post. Hope you enjoyed reading. Until then, Happy Hacking!!
Before Executing the payload, we will need to create a listener that will capture the meterpreter reverse shell generated from the payload. We will need to provide the same configurations that we used while crafting the payload using the msfvenom. Next, we will exploit the payload on the machine using the aspx shell and receive the meterpreter shell. Since we are focusing on the Privileges in this piece, we ran the getprivs command to get the privileges that are enabled on the target machine. We can see that the privilege in question is enabled on the target machine i.e., SeImpersontatePrivilege.
Although you don’t need to rely on the Metepreter shell’s getprivs command. You can check for the enabled privilege can be checked with the help of the whoami command with the /priv option added to it as shown in the image below. We can see that the session that we gained through exploitation is for the user iisapppool.
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