Enumerate Trust

  • Let’s enumerate the trusts:

ldeep ldap -u Donald.Trump -p 'MaKeam3ricaGr3at' -d newyork.local -s ldap:// trusts
ldeep ldap -u Donald.Trump -p 'MaKeam3ricaGr3at' -d newyork.local -s ldap:// trusts
  • The newyork to maryland trust link is FOREST_TRANSITIVE | TREAT_AS_EXTERNAL due to Sid history enabled

  • The Maryland to newyork trust link is just FOREST_TRANSITIVE

  • The corresponding ldap query is : (objectCategory=trustedDomain)

  • We can observe this with bloodhound too (button map domain trusts)

sudo /usr/bin/./neo4j console
sudo /opt/tools/BloodHound4.2-ly4k/BloodHound-linux-x64/BloodHound  --no-sandbox --disable-dev-shm-usage

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