Run BloodHound

Install Bloodhound-Python

sudo python3 -m pip install bloodhound

Install Bloodhound

sudo apt install bloodhound

Getting Data for North.NewYork.Local

bloodhound-python --zip -c All -d north.newyork.local -u claudio.ortiz -p babyboy -dc bronx.north.newyork.local

Ok now, we have all information from the domain north.newyork.local. Now try to get information from other domains :

Getting Data for NewYork.Local

bloodhound-python --zip -c All -d newyork.local -u claudio.ortiz@north.newyork.local -p babyboy -dc NYC.newyork.local

Getting Data for Maryland.Local

bloodhound-python --zip -c All -d maryland.local -u joaquin.Pereida@maryland.local -p horse -dc baltimore.maryland.local

Start Neo4j and Bloodhound

sudo /usr/bin/./neo4j console
sudo /opt/tools/BloodHound4.2-ly4k/BloodHound-linux-x64/BloodHound  --no-sandbox --disable-dev-shm-usage

Last updated